Friday 11 August 2017

Why You Should Update Your Old Blog Post Reguarly

If you have been continuously blogging for a while , then you might have hundreds of blog which has become a stale now for search engines , even if you worked hard to write the same . If you have worked hard to write the same , then your blog should also continuously work hard to to drive you more traffic .

Some believes that once the post has been published , it is destined to remain deep in depths of your blog all the time . One of the biggest example of blogging is even if it is old , it can drive uncounted traffic to your website . Google SERPS displays the date of the latest revision of the content , which ultimately guide you how fresh and relevant is the content for you .

If you really have no idea of how to give a life again to past written long-forgotten content , below are the few tips which can help you out with the issue :

Selecting a post to revive :

  • Metrics : Use google analytics to see which blog is driving the most traffic on your website . Also yo can see , which post had got the most hits on social media .
  • Keywords : Once you are done with your post , just review your keywords and see how they are align with your current keyword strategy . There may be the case , that trend of new keywords had come into the market and thus they could bring fresh traffic to your website , by adding the same in your existing blog 
  • Is post still relevant : It is really an important question . If your post is not relevant due to duplicate and irrelevant content , and other things , just try to tweak the post so that search engines can just pick the post up and present it to your readers .

How affective are your images ?

The style and imaginary of your past blog may have changed and thus might be the case that you may refer to use vertical image , instead of horizontal one .Updating the blog with the latest and catchy images , can attract whole range of new customers on your website .

Related post and deep linking

As your blog grows , you should deeply link your fresh blog with your old one , so that user who is reading the fresh blog , can read your old blog post that might be relevant for them , thus driving traffic to your old blog also at the same time .

Refresh copy and duplicate content

Google loves cheesy and fresh , engaging content , so always try to avoid broken link on your blog .Make longer posts easier to digest by breaking them down into smaller paragraphs .Also don't forget to delete any spam content , that could also bring down creditability of your blog .

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